Wednesday 24 August 2011

3A Tan Yong Kai (27)

Service Learning Reflection:
Through the service learning experience, I find that I have matured in my thinking. The current me will think about the possible consequences and effects on others around me. I have also changed my stubborn attitude towards different opinions, as this is a large-scale project and everyone has to work together in harmony to get the job done. I have always thought of helping out at the community but this time, i have actually performed the act. Actions speak louder than words, my plans are now carried out as compared to before.
The best part of the experience that stands out to me is when we go around the area collecting donations in the form of rice or money. I was really touched and shocked to see that there are many more donators that we initally expected. I feel that this is important because it signifies that there are still many people out in the world that are willing to help and care for the less fortunates.
Despite busier life in my later lifes, I believe I will continue staying in the community because giving back to the society is of utmost importance. Helping less fortunates is essentially one of the most important and meaningful thing in life.

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