Friday 26 August 2011

3A Shawn Tan (25)

The Service Learning experience was definitely life-changing for me. It made me realized that even in a country like Singapore, there are always people who are less fortunate then us. Thus, we should always be satisfied with our own lives and at the same time, give back to the society by caring for these needy people. Also, this experience has changed my actions and I felt that there is a need for us to continue contributing to the society even after Service Learning.

The best thing in the experience is the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment after finishing the project. We had collected much more rice than our target. Another thing that touched me was the teamwork between my classmates. All of us were delegated specific roles, and in the end, we all carried out our tasks well and worked closely as a class.

In the future, I wish to continue contributing back to the society and participating in these projects. This is because I will be able to help the needy people and at the same time, mature in terms of my thinking and actions in the process. All these valuable lessons and experiences will definitely be rewarding to me and the people which I have helped out.

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