Thursday 25 August 2011

3A Reneesh P.Reji(20)

This service learning has definitely been a purposeful one indeed. The tremendous effort taken to plan this event and execute it has definitely not gone to waste. Service learning has proved to be an unforgettable one as the values I gained were definitely something more.


This service learning has been a different experience for me. It was full of ups and downs. I had set out to the designated flats to collect rice with not the least hope of getting any bags of rice. At first, I wasn't struck by surprises as we were scorned with rejection. However, as the day passed by, slowly more and more people donating the bags of rice. Each bag of rice we attained was like a trophy we added to the many more we already had. I was in utter amazement of how generous people were. I had no idea that people cared so much for the society. This has made me appreciate efforts to support the less fortunate more as I have had first-hand experience.


The best thing about service learning is definitely the fact that everything went smoothly. Brandon and I had a problematic time planning out the service learning. If not for the help from our dedicated classmates, we would have definitely crumbled under the load. After this experience, I have learned to appreciate such movements as now I realise the efforts taken up to plan such things. However, the worst thing about service learning was definitely the tremendous fatigue. Nevertheless, I found this fatigue satisfying as it was a sign that I had put in my 100% in this.


I definitely see myself volunteering for more community involvement projects for the needy as not only does it add to a plethora of memories with friends, it also makes a person value how fortunate he is compared to others. After this service learning I learned to value my facilities and count my blessings. Thus, I want to continue doing such projects as long as possible.

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