Saturday, 20 August 2011

3A Tan Peng Sheng (26)

The service-learning experience got me to realise that basic necessities such as a bag of rice or even a grain, that we had always taken for granted, could actually lighten the financial burden and struggle that the less fortunates are facing. It is an open eye for me to see the residents giving all that they have, offering even a cup of rice to aid the less fortunate. However, as I was on firstaid duty for another event- Victoria Challenge 2011- when we had the service learning on the same day together for our challenge, I was unable to be physically down to the HDB blocks at that moment to collect the bags of rice from the residents at marine parade estate, during the first session of our class's service learning rice collection. Nevertheless, I still did my part to fold paper hearts and also collected money for the fund-raising in order to fund the buying of the bags of rice, to add on to what we have collected during the fund raising period. In addition, when I was off from first aid duty during the second session of the rice collection, I went down with my groupmates to collect the rice bags from the residents. All in all, I feel that the service learning is really a success as we are not only able to complete our challenge, overshot our estimated target of 135 bags, collected thousands of dollars from the fund raising and also be exposed to realistic situations when collecting rices. Also, I felt the sense of achievement, when I personally collected over$250 of cash from the fund raising, keeping in mind that the less fortunates really need our little extended help.

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