Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Dear friend

Firstly, I wish you the very best of life of good health and Success. It is my pleasureto write this letter and thank you for creating time to read through my messagecarefully. Well, I know you maybe wondering how i got your address, but permitme to tell you that I got your contact from the (Burkina Faso chamber ofcommerce) and I decided to contact you to shared with you deeply about my ongoingtrue life opportunity and I have no intentions of causing you any worriesthrough this medium. Trust me! Because I have to say that I have no otheralternative rather than to seek for your considerable humanitarian help for myaid.

My biological real name is Mr. Aalam Abdulahi Regional Civil Servant of CorisBank International Burkina Faso. I discovered existing dormant account for5years sum of US$6.5Million dollars only, However, I shall give you 40% of thetotal sumUs$6.5M as soon as this fund hits your account and I shall visit youin your country for the shearing. Also I shall detail you with the fullinformation as soon as I hear from you.

All I need is your free and open heart towards me. I will also need a very strongbank account that will carry this huge of amount without any problem. Pleaseuse your influence to protect this fund as soon as our bank transfers the fundinto your bank account. Let me know more about you and your family before Idisclose this bank deal to you.

I will like us to create the avenue of trust before going into business. A lot ofthings are going on in the internet now and you will never know when the realbusiness comes. I will even advice you to come down to Burkina Faso sothat I will take you direct to the bank for you to make inquire concerning thefund. This is cool and real bank deal. I will be retiring from governmentservice very soon. I think this is my best opportunity in life to make it. Alot of men have been abandoned by government because after their retirement,the government doesn't care of them any more. I will don't want to be anexample to such nonsense.

Please, don't discuss this business with anybody. Your best friend can become yourworst enemy if he finds out that you have made it tomorrow. Don't ever trustany friend when it comes to money. Don't let anybody to know about it until youreceive the fund in your bank account. We are living in a wicked world andpeople doesn't like to see others progress. I am an old man and I know what Ihave passed through as a man. Please think about solution for my aid.

Keep every development within your self until this fund transfer into your accountin your country as I will not want our Bank Management to know my involvementin this transaction for security reasons please I will expect you to call mewith my house personal phone so that we can discuss more about this deal. Iwill need to hear your voice as soon as you read this mail. And I shall Waiteyour reciprocate positive response soonest via mail.

Have a wonderful day.
Mr. Aalam Abdulahi.
( +22675545067)


Saturday, 1 October 2011

3A Zhang Ji (38)

The happiness that I felt after the service learning cannot be expressed in words. I know I have done a brilliant thing: to collect rice for the poor. We live in a affluent environment where food is no longer a major concern. However, there are people starving here who cannot even afford the basic needs for living, for example, rice. Compared to them, we have more than enough food to survive. After the invaluable service learning experience, I have decided to value the food that we consume every day, and help the starving people who are in need. During service learning, the best thing that happened to me is that an old lady gave us 4 sacks of rice, which encouraged me greatly. I learned the kindness of Singaporeans and the happiness obtained after giving back to the society. I also want to stay involved in the community during college and adult years since through community involved activities, I can interact with people, improving my communication skills and getting to know the problems and concerns in their daily life. Through service learning, I learned to have compassion, to interact and most importantly, to contibute.

3A Zhang Ji (38)

This is my CE reflections.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Fwd: victoria school CE Reflection from Zhao Yue 3A

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Zhao Yue <>
Date: Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 4:08 PM
Subject: victoria school CE Reflection from Zhao Yue 3A

Friday, 26 August 2011

3A Shawn Tan (25)

The Service Learning experience was definitely life-changing for me. It made me realized that even in a country like Singapore, there are always people who are less fortunate then us. Thus, we should always be satisfied with our own lives and at the same time, give back to the society by caring for these needy people. Also, this experience has changed my actions and I felt that there is a need for us to continue contributing to the society even after Service Learning.

The best thing in the experience is the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment after finishing the project. We had collected much more rice than our target. Another thing that touched me was the teamwork between my classmates. All of us were delegated specific roles, and in the end, we all carried out our tasks well and worked closely as a class.

In the future, I wish to continue contributing back to the society and participating in these projects. This is because I will be able to help the needy people and at the same time, mature in terms of my thinking and actions in the process. All these valuable lessons and experiences will definitely be rewarding to me and the people which I have helped out.



3A Howard Ng (17)

The service learning project was definitely a wholesome and refreshing experience for me.It made me realise the importance of giving back to the society in not just a solely materialistic aspect but to provide help to the needy in less tangible forms as well. By making an effort to help the needy, we show them that we truly care about their well fare and this inspires and motivates them. After the project I learnt that we shouldn't just stop at making donations, we should actively participate in helping out those who are in need.

One of the best things that happened during the service learning was receiving praises from the residents that we collected rice from. One of the residents even said that it was noble of us to provide help to the financially challenged despite not being obliged to do so. This reminded me of how important my efforts were and spurred me on to make an even greater effort. The sense of accomplishment that I felt upon receiving those praises was invaluable and I would definitely remember those words in the future when i am participating in other charitable events.

I am determined to continue helping others in the future. I feel that making an effort to do so is a reward in itself. Helping others is definitely something that one should not hesitate to do and i will not hesitate to do so in the future either. If every one where to provide help to those in need unconditionally this world would be a more pleasant place to live in.

3A Teo Jun Hui (29) Sec 3 CE project



I realized that despite in a metropolis like Singapore, there are still needy people whom we should extend a helping hand. Service learning has instilled within me a sense of compassion and understanding of the difficulties that the poor faces. I have realized that I am very fortunate and should appreciate it


Even though it had been tiring, but I have managed to get a sense of fulfillment, especially after I realized that my actions can help improve the lives of many whom worry over bread and butter, especially since we have managed to collect more rice than expected. I learnt that many fellow Singaporeans do have a spirit of care and share and I felt that it is important to contribute back to the society.


Yes, I will remain grounded to the community when I grow up. I think that everyone regardless of age has a role to part in helping Singaporeans improve their quality of living. I believe that the willingness to serve, nurtured through such activities, will accompany me as I grow up, and I will do my utmost to be charitable 

3A Reuben Wong (36)

Thursday, 25 August 2011


service-learning 3A Wang Yingchi (33)

The service learning project has changed my attitude and thinking about contributing back to the community. In the past, I thought that giving back to the society is a term which represents monetary values.  However, through this service learning, I realized that giving back is not just in monetary terms. It can also be considered as working for the unfortunate or donating rice for the needy people like us. It helps me to understand the value of contributing to the community.

One of the best things that happened during the service- learning was the sense of accomplishment when we found out that we collected much, much more than the expected amount of rice. This can encourage me to contribute more for the community. As a foreign student, I do not think that Singaporean was so generous firstly. However, I realized that I was totally wrong. Singaporeans really consider charity as a part of their duties as citizens of Singapore.

I will definitely continue contributing back to the society when I grow up. Helping others does not depend on age and should be continued throughout my life thus I will still make efforts to contribute back even in my adult years. I may contribute more when I grow up as I may earn my own money instead of asking money from my parents.


3A Darryl Sim (4)

My class 3A collected rice packs in as our service learning to help the needy people. For every rice pack donated, each paper heart ( as seen in the photo) was given to the residents residing in the area.
I used to think that most Singaporeans were rather selfish and were not willing to lend a helping hand to those that were in need. This service learning has allowed me to be exposed to the many kind-hearted souls who actually went all out to help the needy.
For instance, there was this kind lady who purposely when down to the supermarket to buy 10 rice packs just for the sake of wanting to do charity work. I was shocked at her utmost generiosity and we thanked her for her support. I have learnt that charity work can be done anytime and anywhere so long as we have the willingness and we make the effort to do so.
yes i do see myself getting involved in the community during my college and adult years. From this service learning, I have been inspired by the many kind souls who donated rice packs to continue my efforts for charity.
In conclusion the giving back to society does not stop after the service leearning has endded, in fact it has just only begun.


These are my CE reflections.


3A Brandon Ho (7)

Since young, I already had passion and interest towards doing charity and giving back to the society. However, these few years being so busy and all, I did lesser of such activities. This service learning process gave me an opportunity to differently contribute to the society from what I used to. This is experience is something new for me, as we were to go personally door to door physically collect rice from residents in an allocated area (Marine Terrace) and finally donate them to a charitable organisation known as Sunlove Organisation. I understood better, and become more aware of the less privileged people in our society, re-inspiring myself to contribute back to the society further. After delivering the rice to the organisation, I saw how thankful and grateful the volunteers were. That struck me. I realised that spreading kindness or giving back to society need not always be in terms of money, but such small acts could also make a big impact in the less fortunate's lives.
What I found most rewarding of all – The warm smiles. The warm smiles of the residents whom we collected the rice from. The residents are all very understanding, extremely willing to comply and unbelievably generous. They praised us for doing such activities, and even thanked us for including them in our project, as we gave them a chance, to contribute back to society as well. Back to the best part, their smiles. These smiles display many emotions and feelings. Some are filled with accomplishment and pride; others show appreciation and happiness while the rest are extremely motivating, and full of compassion. This is definitely encouraging me to continue to do charitable activities in the near future, after finishing my education and being lessened by the burden of academics. I will definitely be more involved, committed, and knowing the support I have from fellow Singaporeans like the residents, to conduct these activities with pride.


3A Sean Ng (22)

I used to think that Singaporeans were selfish and indifferent towards the less fortunate. The ninety-odd bags of rice sitting in the class at the end of the Victoria Challenge proved me wrong.  I have seen the kindness and compassion Singaporeans have for the less fortunate, as well as learnt to humble myself and appreciate what I have, instead of always wanting more. 


The best thing that happened during the Victoria Challenge has got to be the when my friend and I got our first bag of rice from a household in the East.  The satisfaction and sense of achievement spurred us on to collect 7 bags of rice throughout the entire challenge.  I have also forged many friendships which I will cherish for the rest of my life.  I have learnt to press on despite the odds, and accept others with an open heart, as well as see the silver lining to any obstacle. 


I would be more than happy to be involved in community service projects when I grow up, as I will be able to help the less fortunate, and learn more about myself in the process.  This experience has given me the chance of a lifetime to help others, and has left me with memories and lessons which I will never forget. 


3A Sean Ng (22) Service Learning Reflection

Dear Sir/Ma'am

I have attached the service learning reflections.

3A Reneesh P.Reji(20)

This service learning has definitely been a purposeful one indeed. The tremendous effort taken to plan this event and execute it has definitely not gone to waste. Service learning has proved to be an unforgettable one as the values I gained were definitely something more.


This service learning has been a different experience for me. It was full of ups and downs. I had set out to the designated flats to collect rice with not the least hope of getting any bags of rice. At first, I wasn't struck by surprises as we were scorned with rejection. However, as the day passed by, slowly more and more people donating the bags of rice. Each bag of rice we attained was like a trophy we added to the many more we already had. I was in utter amazement of how generous people were. I had no idea that people cared so much for the society. This has made me appreciate efforts to support the less fortunate more as I have had first-hand experience.


The best thing about service learning is definitely the fact that everything went smoothly. Brandon and I had a problematic time planning out the service learning. If not for the help from our dedicated classmates, we would have definitely crumbled under the load. After this experience, I have learned to appreciate such movements as now I realise the efforts taken up to plan such things. However, the worst thing about service learning was definitely the tremendous fatigue. Nevertheless, I found this fatigue satisfying as it was a sign that I had put in my 100% in this.


I definitely see myself volunteering for more community involvement projects for the needy as not only does it add to a plethora of memories with friends, it also makes a person value how fortunate he is compared to others. After this service learning I learned to value my facilities and count my blessings. Thus, I want to continue doing such projects as long as possible.

3A Frederick Lee(10)

The service learning experience had been an enriching one and i had thoroughly enjoyed it. Our class had set out to collect rice from the public in an effort to reach out as many needy people as possible. Throughout the collection, many things and events had left a mark in me. I had met many kind-hearted souls who donated generously, and even more who, for one reason or another, refused to donate. It had made me realise that the present society is far from the much- coveted utopian society. This clearly frustrated me as we found it difficult to even obtain a mere bag of rice. Hence, this taught me to preservere in the face of obstacles. Next, I learnt to become more sociable with people and also the importance of having good linguistic to convince the public. Lastly, the entire experience made me want to contribute to the society in the future if given the opportunity.
The worst thing that happened to me was that an old lady decided to give us a bag of rice which was infested with bugs. It was supposed to be the morale-boosting first bag. Instead, it had went on further discourage us and had given us false hopes. However, what upsetted me the most was the lady's nonchalance when she gave the bag. Nonetheless, we pressed on and continued with our mission.
I can see myself participating in future community involvement projects if given the chance. Mainly, I have the passion and desire to help the needy and contribute to the society. This service learning experience had left an everlasting impression on me and I hope to carry on the spririt of helping.

3A Joshua Goh (6)

Through this service learning I have learnt how to approach people in the correct way so that you grasp their attention and achieve your ultimate goal. I have also become more aware of the less well off people in Singapore and the kindness that they receive from charities. The less fortunate need help from others so that they too can live a comfortable life.

I noticed that some people were very uncooperative and selfish. Others however were very willing to donate and do their part to help those not as fortunate as them.

I'm glad a got this opportunity to do what little I could to help collect rice for those who need it and I feel that this was really an eye opener for me. I will do it again if I have the time as I want to help the less well off and give back to society. 

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

3A Tan Yong Kai (27)

Service Learning Reflection:
Through the service learning experience, I find that I have matured in my thinking. The current me will think about the possible consequences and effects on others around me. I have also changed my stubborn attitude towards different opinions, as this is a large-scale project and everyone has to work together in harmony to get the job done. I have always thought of helping out at the community but this time, i have actually performed the act. Actions speak louder than words, my plans are now carried out as compared to before.
The best part of the experience that stands out to me is when we go around the area collecting donations in the form of rice or money. I was really touched and shocked to see that there are many more donators that we initally expected. I feel that this is important because it signifies that there are still many people out in the world that are willing to help and care for the less fortunates.
Despite busier life in my later lifes, I believe I will continue staying in the community because giving back to the society is of utmost importance. Helping less fortunates is essentially one of the most important and meaningful thing in life.

3A Zhao Borui (39)

3A Patrick Seet Wei Han (19)

The service learning project has in many ways, changed my overall perspective about contributing back to the community. In the past, giving back to society was merely donating at charity runs or aspiring to contribute back when I grew up. However, through this service learning, I realised that giving back is not just in monetary terms. Sometimes, it is an act of kindness that goes a long way. Instead of just donating money, helping out at an old folks home or even raising the money that is to be donated can be much more worthwhile. The common idea that Singaporeans are not willing to help was also dispelled as many of them were indeed willing to help contribute.

One of the best things that happened during the service learning was the sense of accomplishment when we found out that we collected much, much more than the expected amount of rice. The knowledge that the public was willing to put in an effort to help the needy was truly satisfying and has definitely touched my heart.

I will definitely continue contributing back to society when I grow up. Helping others does not depend on age and should be continued throughout a person's life thus I will still make efforts to contribute back even in my adult years. However, I would have to manage my time with studies or work as well,

3A Lee Zhi Peng (11)

Before embarking on this character education project cum 7th Victoria
Challenge to be able to collect a total of 135 bags of 5kg rice, my
mindset and view on a typical Singaporean was as such; stingy,
self-centered and selfish. However, through my experience in completing
this project, I've realised that the citizens of Singapore are actually
very compassionate and generous when it comes to giving for a good
cause. This lady in the photo generously donated 20kg of rice! I was
really surprised yet happy to know that there are people like her out
here in Singapore. Victorians and teachers were also extremely generous
when it comes to money donation.

At the beginning, the situation was bleak. After 7 levels, my team was
still unable to obtain a single grain of rice. I thought how elated I
would be if I would be able to receive even just 1 bag of rice. Then, we
popped by a house where the owner donated 5kg of rice without
hesitation. That was the greatest inspiration. It gave me hope.
Eventually, my team managed to collect around 50kg of rice, exceeding my
expectation. This teaches us not to be daunted by setbacks but instead
deal with it and persevere on. As a result, the outcome turned out
really well.

Though I would love to, it would be quite a challenge to be able to
juggle between academics and other school-related work and being
involved in the community and contributing to society. I have seen my
brother taking part in a CCA which is based on helping the organisations
that are caring for the needy and less fortunate. This would probably
make it easier to get actively involved in such activities. Previously I
had always seen such projects as a waste of time, but now I find it
meaningful. By helping other, you are doing yourself a favour too.

3A Shao Shibo 23

3A Shao Shibo 23

3A Mick Lee Wei Lin (15)

3A Dominique Chan (2)


here is the personal poster.


3A Shum Wen Ping 24

The service learning experience may not be an easy one one, but it was definitely a unique and meaningful process, starting from scratch to planning and execution of the project. It has allowed me to understand that generosity knows no bounds and that our community is one that is more than willing to do their part and assist the needy. However, amongst these charitable people, there were also

One unforgettable experience would be the time when my group and I visited our very first resident. A man in his eighties reprimanded at us in Hokkien even before we introduced ourselves! We went on to brief him about our background in Chinese, but to our surprise, he immediately interrupted, claiming repeatedly he had no money and rejected our request. This little incident made me realise that the community has all sorts of people and it is a must to be able to handle such situations calmly. Moreover, I think it has also spurred me on to want to do better on our following visits.

 If given a similar chance in future, I would be obliged to participate as I think that there are still many people who require our help and even if my contribution may be small, I believe the sincerity of all those who contribute will touch the hearts of the needy.