Thursday, 23 May 2019

Valley Review (NSW)

Written by Anthony L. Cuaycong

Title: Valley
Developer: Blue Isle Studios
Publisher: Blue Isle Studios
Genre: Action, Adventure, Puzzle, First-Person
Price: $19.99
Also Available On: PS4, Steam, XB1

Available on other consoles since 2016, first-person platformer Valley finally finds its way to the Nintendo Switch. The port may be long in coming, but it is no less welcome. It deftly tells the tale of a male — or, depending on original choice, female — protagonist exploring in the not-too-distant future a vast valley with the end-view of acquiring the Life Seed, which holds extraordinary power over life and death. Exploration is aided in no small measure by the Leap Effortlessly through Air Functionality suit, allowing for superhuman movement.

Valley's narrative is rich and engrossing. Audio logs and notes scattered about reveal remnants of a government-backed program aimed at producing distinctive advantages for combat purposes. The playable area itself is a sight to behold, boasting of a detailed expanse of lush colors that seem to stretch without limit. Parenthetically, testing the horizon through the use of the L.E.A.F. suit becomes in and of itself an end. Danger lurks, but not often enough — and not overwhelming enough — to accentuate action over adventure.

If there is any big negative, it's that players can finish Valley well before reaching the double-digit mark in hours. And while it presents itself as a leisurely romp in the go, it suffers from visual softness and frame drops on occasion. Which is just too bad, because much of the game's value is derived from its painstaking presentation of nature, a crucial factor in underscoring its message. Still, it makes full use of its time on the Switch, and, absent high expectations, proves that even on gaming consoles, stories can get top billing.

  • Engaging narrative
  • Lush visuals
  • Exploration as much an end as a means

  • Hardly any action, with combat actually feeling tacked on
  • Frame drops on occasion
  • Extremely short

RATING: 8/10

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