Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Suzy Cube Update: June 8, 2018

#SuzyCube #gamedev #indiedev #madewithunity @NoodlecakeGames 
There's no point beating around the bush. June 19, 2018. Less than two weeks from now is when the world finally gets to meet Suzy Cube!
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Ancient Beast Updated And The Deceiver

Ancient Beast 0.3 is here (blog post, forum announcement)! This gorgeously drawn game makes another step towards the vision of its developers.

Heya! It's been too long since the last release, about 3 years; long time indeed.
We've finally repaired the prototype and added several new playable creatures, along with more features,
goodies and bug fixes, not to mention that all the old units have been pretty much revamped.
A ton of work, but it was totally worth it!

Ancient Beast is a player vs player turn based strategy game played online where you command all manner of creatures (3D printed! Beware the power of playing God!) in a battle for supremacy amongst the ruins of the apocolypse. Or something like that. Sounds fun. :)

Ancient Beast 0.3

Deceiver (formerly "The Yearning") has been rebranded in its latest update. GPL licensed code is available on github, and there's a steady history of updates going back 2 years, but the assets remain copyright of the developer.

So is it Free Software? Purists would justifiably say no. For example, no OS (Linux, BSD etc) distribution could include it without the developer's express consent. I can see the reasons for going down this path as the developer is now approaching publishers, and having anybody able to take his game and publish it externally would be an issue of contention. Which brings us back to an old topic of discussion - is it possible to monetize a Free Software game project without compromising on the licensing of any part of it?

Deceiver rain experiments
Some would say such a game shouldn't even appear on this blog, but given the relative inactivity of the blog you'll have to indulge me this once for discussion purposes if nothing else!

Monday, 1 April 2019

28Mm WW2 Warlord Italian Bersaglieri

It's been close on 2 months since I posted anything on the old blog. It's been a bit of a break full stop, I had a month off work for a trip round Italy with Mrs YG and then it has taken a bit of time to get back into the normal blogging, painting, gaming routine, but sometimes a break is good to get the mojo going again.

20mm Anti Tank Rifle 
I picked some nice straight forward Italian WW2 figures to get the Vallejo flowing again, all technique and little skill is the way forward with these boys. The figures themselves are from Warlord Games and are the last figures in my Italian to do box (not including vehicles).

Detail photo
Warlord figures are very different from the Perry Miniatures that form the mainstay of my Desert Collection, slightly larger in size, a good deal chunkier and with rougher detail, they definitely have a great character about them. The raised detail makes them easy to paint with my dry brush, wash style and for very little work it's possible to get a pretty good result.

Italian 100mm Artillery 
The main reason for clearing up the remaining Italians was to get this Artillery piece ready for action. The 100mm gun again from Warlord will definitely add a bigger bite to my Italian forces. The figures are standard for both Europe and the Desert, I simply added the Sun Hat heads to get the Desert look.

The game on the table is our next Op Compass Campaign game (No 5) however these troops are not in the Order of Battle so it might be a while before they see action.

So it's good to be back in the blogging habit, coming next will be the AAR for Albuera and a post on the Op Compass game. On the paint table is a Muslim Heavy Cavalry unit for the Crusades which I am picking at whilst prepping for this year's Analogue Hobbies Winter Paint Challenge. See you all again soon.